Friday, April 28, 2006

Testing shutter speed (and Photobucket)

Today, I observed Li-Shia's attempts to update her blog from a computer in the media lab in school. Now I'm about to try something: upload more than one photo in an entry.

Up until now, I've always matched a single picture to an entry, or created montages for events which find better expression in multiple photos. So now I'm going to try what virtually every other blogger has already discovered.

Denise calls me a 56-year-old trapped in the body of a 19-year-old. I do suppose I learn some things too soon, and others too late, heheh...

While on my way to KLCC after the SPM results were released on 13 April, I passed a fountain of sorts. So I decided to experiment with shutter speed and ISO settings. Indeed, the slower shutter speeds produce an impressionistic, flowing effect, while the faster ones are better able to freeze the drops of water in mid-air.

1/30th of a second:

1/250th of a second:

1/640th of a second:

1/1000th of a second:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. The frozen water looks like weird floating white, mutated jellyfish?