Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Palm Sunday 09

What does 'Palm' Sunday mean?

Traditionally, of course the name refers to the palm branches that were waved at Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

This year, on Palm Sunday I walked into church after an argument about church types and preference (the church 'multilemma': to find Him at a revival meetingg or in a garden chapel, in the midst of a city or by the sea).

Ironically, it was at the Eucharist that I was silenced.

Where might we find a lamb...
"Let us partake of the bread together."
... to wash as white as snow?
"Father, we remember the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for our forgiveness and redemption."

Ironically at the Eucharist because it is one of the observances of the Christian church that is most debated over. Ironically because Sivin and Ai Wei know my trouble/dilemma with it at some churches.

Yet of all the elements of Christianity the Eucharist has to be one of the most meaningful. (To me at least.)

And this year, I found that 'palm' Sunday meant just that: the nail-pierced hands of Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

cm said...

the picture... very familiar~~ :P