Saturday, June 11, 2005

Wish list revised

Thanks Sivin and Tien for the feedback. I have revised the wish list, now listing books according to reading priority.

(Actually, this is more for my sake than that of my readers, so do pardon if it sounds to inwardly-focussed).

The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard (I have yet to finish this!)

The Four Loves - C.S. Lewis (MPH/Borders)
Jesus Asked - Conrad Gempf (Glad Sounds)
The Way of the Heart - Henri Nouwen (St Paul's)
Hearing God - Dallas Willard (SUFES)
Spirit of the Disciplines [and Celebration of Discipline] - Dallas Willard (SUFES)
Mealtimes with the Messiah - Conrad Gempf (Glad Sounds/SUFES)
Spiritual Leadership - J. Oswald Sanders (no idea where to get)
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri (Kinokuniya)
Behold the Beauty of the Lord - Henri Nouwen (St Paul's)
Reading the Bible for the Love of God - Alan Reynolds (Glad Sounds)
The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman (Glad Sounds)

Wow... some 13 books! I wonder if I'll be able to pool together enough cash :-(


Anonymous said...

my dad bought my copy of "Spiritual Leadership" at Gladsounds.

johnsee said...

willard's spirit of disciplines is cheaper over at Evangel than SUFES, but I'm not sure whether they have any more copies left. I bought the last one I saw standing on the shelves. Try giving them a ring to check. ;)