Monday, November 28, 2005

Saya punya corridor, saya jaga!

appointment, originally uploaded by mincaye.

At Epoch, I found a copy of Lat's comic book, 'Dr Who?' Flipping through it, I came upon this particular cartoon, which I found very amusing when I first saw it some weeks/months back.

This time around, it struck me rather profoundly, probably because I was already in a reflective frame of mind. So I took a picture of the page.

Just before we left, I saw this newspaper clipping on the side of the bookshelf, and I found the words apt to my reflection. The glass chess set, on the other hand, was on display on one of the levels in the shelf.

Someone once said, "All the world's a chess set, and the men and women chesspieces." OK, not quite... I can already hear Shakespeare fanatics preparing to stone me for heresy.

But the metaphor remains. We each have our own callings in life, and our own roles to play. Paul nailed it when he described the church as a body, with each of its members playing a specific part.

And so it is that a bishop is a bishop, and a knight, a knight. Castles don't move diagonally, and pawns can only walk a step at a time. Each of us is divinely appointed to where we are.

This is precisely what Jesus wants of us: to give him all that we have, all that we are. An excuse like, "I cannot go out there and preach," holds no water if preaching is not what one is called to do. God wants what we have, not what we don't.

So it is that Dr M. must jaga the Multimedia Super Corridor, and leave the office corridor to the janitor.

Let us search ourselves, and find the corridors in which we have been placed by divine grace, and let us learn to jaga our respective corridors.

As Jesus once said to his disciples, "If I want [John] to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."

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