Thursday, January 26, 2006

To handphone, or not to handphone?

handphones, originally uploaded by mincaye.

In light of the recent debate over the bringing of mobile phones to school, an Interactive Debate Board has been set up along the path to the school canteen.

Students can write their comments on the motion, "Mobile phones should not be used in school," on a piece of paper (provided in a box) and pin it up on the board.

Above; Soo Ee, Fiona, Len Yi and Wai Loon are clearly demonstrating their "Yes to Handphone!" stand.

At any rate, mobile phones will still be brought to and used in school, no matter what Hishammuddin (our Minister of Education) says.

How else would, say, Mr Kali (Chemistry teacher) contact Kian Ti (class monitor)?

1 comment:

emyoon said...

i want to know what YOU think!