Saturday, January 28, 2006

An 'Ultra' Happy Birthday!

phak hoe, originally uploaded by mincaye.

Phak Hoe loves Ultraman. So Valerie and company bought him an Ultraman pillow and figurine. We celebrated his birthday (which is actually today) yesterday.

The middle photo is a group shot of my classmates, taken by Li-Shia. Si Toh, Vincent and Justina were absent that day. Some of us were doing Jinq Sien's now infamous bunga teratai pose.

Bottom left is a shot of Phak Hoe assembling the toy, and next to it, a close-up of the completed Ultraman. Above is Phak Hoe's favourite picture, a shot of him in an Ultraman stance.

Happy 19th birthday, Phak Hoe!

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