Saturday, October 29, 2005

Jino's Apple

Originally uploaded by mincaye.
'Apple' is the nickname Suzanne bestowed upon Jinq Sien (pic). Long story, but this is generally how it goes...

Some time back, I was talking to Jinq Sien (a.k.a. Jino) about putting some plants in the VEB room. Then the idea of a fruit basket came up; he suggested apples, to remove unpleasant odours (though I don't know if they really do).

Later that same day, Suzanne, Denise, Jino and I were in the room, and I brought up the subject of plants. It happens we were then discussing trees, and I mentioned (out of nowhere) "Jino suggested apples."

(Warning: NEVER transfer statements from one context to another).

Naturally, Suzanne and Denise thought that Jino suggested planting apple trees, and they burst out laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Anyway, the nickname somewhat fits him, as he's been given to quoting short lines of proverbial philosophy lately:

"Time and tide waits for no man."

"No matter how the wind howls, the mountain will not bow to it." (quoting the Emperor in Disney's Mulan, on his MSN display)

So, proverbs like "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" blend in seamlessly.

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