Sunday, January 23, 2005

Star Update

I found myself staring up at the sky just now, outside Kishan's house after returning from the Bangsar Shopping Centre, and later upon reaching home.

It was quite successful, actually. I saw, in addition to most of the previously recorded stars, the following stars (constellation names in italics):

Carinae (The Stern):
Alpha Carinae (Canopus)
Epsilon Carinae

Vela (The Sails):
Delta Velorum
Gamma Velorum
Lambda Velorum

Hydra (The Water-Snake):
Alpha Hydrae (Alphard)

Leo (The Lion):
Alpha Leonis (Regulus)
Gamma Leonis (Algieba)
Epsilon Leonis

The night-sky never fails to fascinate. Now to learn how to operate a telescope well...

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