Thursday, January 27, 2005


Morning Petal Shower
Originally uploaded by mincaye.
Reading Matthew 6:25-34 this morning, I was reminded of something Dallas Willard wrote in The Divine Conspiracy and the morning petal shower during d'NA.

The lilies of the field don't labour or spin, Jesus says, and yet they are more resplendent than the most finely dressed humans. A glance at any nation's royalty in full regalia, and/or the Nobel Ceremony, Academy Awards or other Gala events will confirm this.

That morning when the petals fell, and the sun seemed more otherwordly than ever before, I knew this to be true... that each of those petals meant more than many things I used to think were important. I didn't learn it then, but I'm beginning to now.

Sometimes it's really only logical to trust in the words of the Christ, for in light of our superficial world, it's hard to find words more substantial and meaningful than these:

"Do not worry about tomorrow, for today has enough trouble of its own."

And so I learn to trust, a little more as time goes by, in the daily faithfulness and provision of the One who feeds the birds ("carefree in the care of God" as Eugene Peterson puts it) and clothes the grass of the fields (which shine like emeralds in the morning dew, though they are later trampled upon and burned away).

After all, it's not much better living life on my own terms, being constantly worked up into frenzies, anxiety and conflicts.

See you tomorrow. And the tomorrow of tomorrow. And as many tomorrows as God's grace provides.

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